How Does Compensation Work?

In my day-to-day life as a Legal Executive I help clients get a fair amount of compensation for physical injuries caused by another’s negligence, injuries caused by the negligence of medical professionals, and unfair or discriminating treatment by employers against their employees. I generally enjoy my work, as while money will never be able to ‘fix’ a negligent situation aka it will never be able to take you back in time and stop the negligence from occurring, it can make life more manageable in the aftermath.

A good example is the clients whose lives have been undeniably changed due to negligence to the point where living in their old homes without any modifications is a genuine trial, compensation can help make your home liveable again. Compensation, when properly managed, can be a force for good and in the UK, there are strict rules governing how compensation is calculated and assessed.

I am aware that unless you work in the legal profession it can be difficult to even be aware of these rules’ existence, let alone be familiar with them. So, I am never surprised when client’s have unrealistic expectations regarding compensation. This article is designed to combat these expectations, by explaining the ways in which compensation is calculated, thus providing a basic understanding that will help put unrealistic expectations in perspective.

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Is It Worth Bringing a Claim?

One of the most common questions raised when you consider bringing a claim for compensation is “will it be worth it?” It is commonly known that bringing a claim is a long, laborious and stressful process. It is not something that should be taken on lightly. Even if your legal team do the majority of the heavy lifting for you, you will still need to be involved and you will need to be able to commit to the case. Therefore, it is not uncommon for many people to want to know if the hard work and the potential stress involved will be worth it.

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Why Does a Claim Take So Long?

“Why is my claim taking so long” is one of the most common questions raised by clients (usually more than once). Solicitors will often answer with a brief comment regarding the complicated nature of these types of claim. While this is correct, it rarely satisfies clients as it does not respond to the question. This article will explain why Clinical Negligence claims are complicated, and the types of things that can slow these claims down.

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What Are No Win No Fee Agreements

When you bring a claim some of your earliest questions are going to be, “How do I pay for this?” “Can I get legal aid?” “What is no win, no fee?”.

Funding a claim is a common concern, especially if you have just lost or left your employment and money is a bit tight until you can secure new employment.

This article attempts to reassure and explain exactly what your funding options are so that you are in a position to further investigate which option you believe will work best for you. The article will also cover in some detail the most common method of funding an employment claim, no win, no fee agreements.

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Can You Claim for Emotional Distress?

I have had several people raise questions to me regarding what kinds of injury you can claim for in a Personal Injury or Clinical Negligence claim. Do mental health problems count as an injury? Is it just cuts, bruises, and broken bones?  What about hurt feelings? Or emotional upset?

Most people know and understand that you can claim for a broken arm or leg, but the situation becomes much more confusing when you start considering non-physical injuries.

This article will discuss claims for emotional distress in personal injury and clinical negligence claims.

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